McDonough Marine Service announces the launching of another new barge MARMAC 32 (260’ x 72’ x 16’), the 21st barge ABS ocean classed deck barge in this size classification to be commissioned by this barge and tug company. The barge was built for McDonough Marine by Westport Shipyard in Orange, Texas and McDonough thanks them for a job well done.
“We are pleased with the quality, workmanship and timely delivery by Westport Shipyard. The MARAMC 32 continues our ongoing commitment to the ocean deck barge market,” stated Eric Anderson, Sales & Logistics Director of McDonough Marine Service.
The MARMAC 32 barge was designed with an ABS Load line maximum cargo capacity of 5719 short tons and a uniform deck strength of 4,500 lbs/sq. ft.
The MARMAC 32 will be delivered and ready for service by the end of June and eventually will be fleeted in Amelia, LA.